• Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4






If yes, answer the following questions:











Rules and Conduct

  1. Accept a job and not show up
  2. Accept and start work and leave early.
  3. Refusal to accept assigned work.
  4. Falsifying job applications.
  5. Failure to report any absence.
  6. Return to a job after shift.
  7. Failure to comply with the instructions assigned by your supervisor.
  8. Falsifying time cards or work records.
  9. Refusal to work overtime when requested in advance.
  10. Leaving your place of work without authorization from the supervisor.
  11. Use inappropriate language.
  12. Perform dangerous acts that may cause harm to others.
  13. Engage in physical or verbal misbehavior.
  14. Practicing vandalism on company property.
  15. Use personal or company telephones during work hours except in an emergency.
  16. Work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  17. Excessive absences or tardies.
  18. Refusal to accept a number of assignments in a given time.

He leído y entendido las reglas anteriormente nombradas en esta póliza y si en el futuro ocurre alguna de las situaciones, puede conducir a la acción disciplinaria adicional e igual hasta la terminación de empleo con PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP.

“I certify that the information contained in this application is true and to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if employed, false statements in this application will be grounds for termination.”

“Yo autorizo la investigación de todas las declaraciones contenidas aquí y las referencias listadas anteriormente para darle a usted toda la información acerca de mi empleo anterior y cualquier información pertinente que ellos tengan, personal u otras, y dejar toda persona de deuda por cualquier daño que resulte la información dada”.

“Yo entiendo y estoy de acuerdo que, al ser contratado mi trabajo no es por un periodo definitivo y puedo ser despedido independientemente de la fecha de pago de mi salario, sin ninguna notificación anterior”.


I understand that as a condition of consideration of my employment with PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP as a temporary associate, or as a condition of my continued employment with PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP, I hereby authorize and consent to the acquisition of PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP for criminal background screening. . In addition, I authorize PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP to share the criminal records obtained with clients of PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP and those who require verification of documents with the conditions of employment.

I understand that the cost of the aforementioned criminal record will be $13.50, of which 50% of this amount will be covered by the company as long as the employee completes 500 hours of work with PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP.


  1. I am available by phone and have reliable transportation.
  2. I understand that when accepting employment I must complete the assigned work. If for any reason I do not complete my work, PAISCLO SOLUTION CORP can assume that I have voluntarily resigned.
  3. Yo entiendo que soy un empleado de PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP y que únicamente dicha empresa o yo puede terminar mi empleo. Cuando mi trabajo termine, debo reportarme a PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP para mi siguiente asignación de trabajo. En caso de no hacerlo o en caso de no aceptar mi siguiente asignación indicara que he renunciado voluntariamente y no seré elegible para beneficios de desempleo.
  4. Una vez que he aceptado una posición de empleo, un coordinador de PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP me dará instrucciones de como será el procedimiento referente a la tarjeta de horas trabajadas. Yo entiendo que no recibiré el cheque de pago si este procedimiento no es seguido.
  5. If for an unexpected reason, such as an emergency or illness, I am not able to report to work, I will not be late, I will need to contact PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP as soon as possible so that a replacement can be sent to my place. I understand that I must continue to report my absence or illness DAILY. Failure to do so will be sufficient reason for my dismissal and/or indicate that I have voluntarily resigned.
  6. En caso de sufrir un accidente en el trabajo, yo informare a mi supervisor y a PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP inmediatamente después del accidente. PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP coordinara con el cliente y el empleado para seguir con los procedimientos adecuados.
  7. Yo he leído, entiendo y cumpliré con todas las reglas de seguridad y regulaciones tal y como están redactadas en este manual para empleados.
  8. I understand that I must notify PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP as soon as possible of any changes to my personal and emergency contact information. PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP is not responsible for lost checks or incorrect deductions due to my failure to notify the office.


Estamos comprometidos en proveer un ambiente de trabajo que este libre de discriminación/hostigamientos ilegales, acciones, palabras, bromas o comentarios basados en sexo, raza, origen étnico, religión o cualquier otra característica legalmente protegida NO SERA TOLERADA. Cualquier empleado que quiera reportar algún incidente de hostigamiento deberá reportarlo lo mas pronto posible a su supervisor o a PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP.

Cualquier reporte será tomado con total discreción y pueden ser sometidos sin miedo a represalias. Cualquier persona comprometida en hostigamiento será sujeta a una acción disciplinaria y/o a la terminación del empleo.


To protect the health and safety of all our employees PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP enforces policies on the use of alcohol and drugs which prohibit the possession, sale, use or being under the influence of these during the time you are in the company, except on prescription drugs. Violation of these policies will result in immediate termination of employment.

Yo entiendo que al ser empleado de PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP puedo estar sujeto a una prueba de drogas/alcohol en el momento que yo sea contratado o al llegar a estar involucrado en algún accidente de trabajo que requiera atención medica. También puede que sea requerida una prueba de drogas/alcohol en el caso de verme involucrado en cualquier accidente laboral y puedo ser suspendido hasta que los resultados de la prueba sean conocidos.

I understand that the positive result of said test releases PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP and the insurance company from any responsibility, collection of said accident and termination of employment.

Yo entiendo que el incumplimiento/rechazo para cooperar con cualquier procedimiento prescrito por cualquier razón constituye a una mala conducta en las pólizas de PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP.

I authorize the release of any results of the aforementioned tests to the representatives of PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP.



Procedure: When you are injured at work or when you become aware of a work injury or incident, it is mandatory that the injury/incident be reported immediately to a representative of PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP. The injury/incident must be reported in person as soon as possible.

Any employee who fails to report the work-related injury/incident to a
representative of PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP will be subject to suspension without pay for three consecutive business days. Additionally, any employee of PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP who witnesses an injury or incident of another employee and does not report it immediately will also be subject to suspension without pay for three consecutive working days.


After completion of the assigned work, the employee hereby agrees to keep in contact with PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP (at least once a week) in order to notify if he/she is available to take a new work assignment.

Employees who do not keep in constant communication with PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP (at least once a week) after finishing the assigned work may as a result face suspension of unemployment benefits if any by the Florida Department of Employment Security.

By signing this document, the employee declares that he has read and fully understands this policy.



This agreement is made between ("worker" or "you") and ("owner") doing business as the, located at ("premises"). The Company is referred to collectively as the "parties" and individually as a "party".

WHEREAS, in connection with your engagement to provide services at the Facility, the Owner may disclose or allow you access to certain Confidential Information (as defined below).

NOW, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, you hereby agree and agree to the following:

  1. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION is defined as certain documentation and information (collectively, "Confidential Information") that you must reasonably understand, due to legends or other markings, the circumstances of disclosure, or the nature of the information itself, to be proprietary and confidential to the owner or a third party. You acknowledge that Confidential Information may include information owned or controlled by PAISCLO SOLUTIONS CORP (or its parent, subsidiary or affiliated entities) ("HWI") and agree that HWI is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement with the right to enforce the obligations of the party. Except as mutually agreed in writing, or as required by law, neither party will disclose the existence, terms, or discussions related to this agreement.
  2. PROTECTION: You will not use Owner's Confidential Information, directly or indirectly, for your own benefit, for the benefit of a third party, or in any way in competition with Owner's business purposes. You will protect Proprietary Confidential Information with a reasonable degree of care, no less than the same degree of care that you use to prevent the unauthorized use, dissemination, or publication of your own most valuable proprietary and confidential information. You may not disclose Owner's Confidential Information to any third party without Owner's prior written consent, provided that the restrictions in this Agreement on the use and disclosure of Confidential Information shall not apply to documentation and information that: (a) was already publicly known to you, (b) subsequently becomes publicly known through no fault of your own, (c) was already in your possession free of any obligation of confidentiality, (d) was developed by you independently and without reference to any information confidential owner's information; or (e) is required by law, regulation or court order.
  3. OWNERSHIP: All confidential information disclosed under this agreement is and will remain the property of the owner. No licenses or rights under any patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret are granted or implied by this agreement.
  4. EXPIRATION: This agreement will automatically expire upon termination of services provided to you at the facility; provided that all restrictions on the use of confidential information will survive for an additional five (5) years thereafter.
  5. BREACH OF AGREEMENT: Failure to comply with this agreement will entitle the Owner to seek a court order preventing you or your representatives from unauthorized disclosure or use, in whole or in part, of any Confidential Information.
  6. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. There are no understandings, agreements or representations, express or implied, by or between the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement that are not specified herein. This agreement may not be amended, and you may not assign any rights or obligations hereunder, without the express written consent of Owner.



Important! Please read and sign before completing and submitting.

I hereby authorize the employer, either directly or through its payroll service provider, to deposit any amounts owed to me, by initiating credit entries to my account at the financial institution (hereinafter "Bank") indicated on this form. In addition, I authorize the Bank to accept and credit any credit entry indicated by the Employer, either directly through its payroll service provider, to my account. In the event the Employer mistakenly deposits funds to my account, I authorize the Employer, either directly through its payroll service provider, to debit my account for an amount not to exceed the original amount of the erroneous credit.

This authorization will remain in full force and effect until the Employer and the Bank have received written notice of its termination in a time and manner that affords the Employer and the Bank a reasonable opportunity to act on it.


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